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Strategies for Career Success.

Stuck and in need of a JUMP START in your career? Or you finally reach the top but do not know how to SUSTAIN yourself there?

This book aims to answer those questions and more, giving guides and practical examples derived from real-life experiences of an Award-winning Sales Professional and a corporate figure who has been climbing ladders for the past 20 years and achieving his career dreams.

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Over 20 years of corporate experience, strategies and success stories; all condensed in this power packed book!

Check Out The Testimonial

Those whom had benefited from this book.

Chua YC

Seasoned and experienced FMCG Sales Leader endorsing my Book.

Stephen Y.

Key Account Expert using the strategies in my Book to ace his interview.

Nurul & Nik

Undergraduates in a local varsity using the strategies in my Book to secure internship.

About Author

Gerald Lee

Gerald has a strong passion for writing. He is the Author of "Climbing the Corporate Ladder... and Trying to not Fall Down", a book that has inspired many to pursue their career dreams. This was his first book and was written based on his rich corporate experience of over 20 years. He believes that his sharing of real-life corporate experience and how he has achieved his career goals will motivate and inspire his readers (both students and working professionals) to pursue their goals and dreams too.

His second book, "Self-Hacks for a Better You" was inspired by his overcoming the darkest moment in his life. He had a choice to either stay down or stand up; and he had chosen to rise. This book is all about nurturing and improving inner self by using self-hacks strategies that he had discovered, invented and innovated; and best of all, had produced positive results!

His latest book on Personal Branding, “You are Your Brand: Unleash the Great Brand Within You” is currently available for pre-order; and another amazing book, co-authored with aspiring authors is in the pipeline.


Gerald is an engaging International Speaker and a Certified Master Coach and Trainer who specialises in creating long-lasting Positive Impact in people's lives. His live programs are highly sought-after. He is proud to have enriched thousands from multiple countries with audiences ranging from students to corporate professionals.

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